Original announcement on Buffet site here:
(This web page was created because NU removes from its server files with facts it finds uncomfortable.)  

Ambassador Karl Eikenberry Update

April 14, 2016

Last fall, we announced that Ambassador Karl Eikenberry would be joining the Buffett Institute for Global Studies as the inaugural Executive Director, charged with implementing the University’s vision for the new Institute. This vision is to transform the Institute into one recognized nationally and around the world for high-quality interdisciplinary research and education on globally relevant topics.

Over the past several months, together with Ambassador Eikenberry, we continued to assess the conditions required for an executive director to achieve the desired change, and agreed that several are not yet in place.

We thank Ambassador Eikenberry for his strong belief in the new Buffett vision and his considerable investment of time to help us elevate Northwestern's engagement with the world. We look forward to continuing our partnership with him as a friend to Northwestern, the Buffett Institute, and the University’s faculty and students.

Dan Linzer